Case Study

UK Deaf Awareness Training and Courses For Businesses

Avon & Somerset Constabulary | Case Study

Deaf people often have difficulty being understood when dealing with police officers who do not have training in supporting the Deaf Community.

Being able to communicate with people who are Deaf or hard of hearing is an important part of serving the communities that the Police operate in. Our training helps police officers learn how to communicate with the deaf community in an effective way so that they can serve and protect them.

We offer BSL Deaf awareness training for Police forces across the UK, which has helped them improve their communication skills and reduce discrimination towards disabled people. By learning British Sign Language (BSL) you'll gain greater empathy towards your local communities and build trust with those around you - helping to create a safer society for everyone. Our courses are also suitable for anyone who wants to learn BSL as well as any other professionals involved in working with members of vulnerable groups such as social workers, teachers etc. who may need it on a day-to-day basis.

Below is the outline of a course we delivered to the Avon & Somerset Constabulary including:

  • Course Aims
  • What we delivered
  • Theory based topics
  • Deaf Culture
  • BSL basics
  • Course benefits
  • Testimonials

Feel free to contact us if you want more information about Study Sharpe's deaf awareness training courses or any other service we offer!

Course Aims for BSL Deaf Awareness Training

Our course aims to provide Deaf Awareness and British Sign Language (BSL) basics to support positive engagement with the local Deaf Community and to members of the public who are deaf.

We provided Deaf Awareness training which incorporated Basic BSL phrases and vocabulary to enable front line beat officers to communicate more easily and with more confidence with both deaf BSL users and deaf members of the public. 

What We Delivered

A 12 - week remote course delivered to front line beat officers (PCSO’s & Neighbourhood officers).

What Did the Course Cover?

This course covered the following topics (this list is not exhaustive and may vary according to service need):

Deaf Awareness Theory based topics

  • Understand the role of BSL 
  • Types of deafness and relevant statistics
  • Working with interpreters

Deaf Culture

  • Cochlear Implants and other assistive technology
  • Lipreading
  • Appropriate deaf Attention gain strategies
  • Deaf cultural norms and values

BSL British Sign Language Basics

  • Meet and Greet phrases
  • Emergency phrases
  • Numbers (related to money/dates/age)
  • Time
  • Ethnicity & Sexuality signs

How will BSL Deaf Awareness Training Benefit You?

  • A more confident team of frontline/first response officers within the force that are confident in assisting, communicating, and reassuring and thereby building invaluable rapport with deaf people who may or may not use BSL that they come in to contact with.
  • Officers who have a deeper understanding of audism and the discrimination faced by deaf people every day with zero tolerance towards any such discrimination found within the local community.
  • Officers who can interpret communication behaviours of BSL users as non-threatening.
  • Effective personal development of individual officers by identifying this course as part of up-skilling within their CPD.
  • Forging stronger trusted links with local primary school for deaf children.
  • Improved experience of the local Deaf Community during interactions with the police.

What our Students thought

‘Things I have learnt will be valuable for my role’
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
‘A great transferable skill’
‘It has given me more confidence in dealing with a previously ‘hard to reach’ group’.
‘This course has and will be of benefit to myself when serving the community’.
‘What we have learned is really helpful and at the right level – for use to deal with first response to emergencies.’
‘I have learnt so much. Not just about the actual signing but how we position ourselves when in a conversation with a deaf person…. the use of facial expression and how to close a conversation’.
‘Things I have learnt will be valuable for my role’

Why Choose Study Sharpe Deaf Awareness Training Courses?

Emm Sharpe is the Owner and Founder of Study Sharpe Deaf Awareness Training Courses. She first became involved in the Deaf Community in the late 80’s working for a charity supporting Deaf and Disabled young people in the classroom. 

Emm has been through many years of teaching and training experience and is an advocate for Deaf Awareness, accessibility, and inclusion for Deaf people.

She has worked within the prison service, healthcare, education in both Primary and Secondary schools and Further Education and Higher Education sectors. 

Emm holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Deaf Studies from Bristol University where she was fortunate to be taught by top Deaf Professionals. She also holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, as well as BSL Levels 1 – 3.

As a hearing teacher, she can offer an invaluable bi-lingual experience with hearing learners, to ensure the initial few classes are not too daunting.

Having worked with and personally known many Deaf people over the years and for various charities supporting Deaf and disabled young people, she has extensive experience of Deaf Awareness and Deaf Culture.

Emm Sharpe Study Sharpe Deaf Awareness Training Taunton Somerset

More about BSL Deaf awareness training

Deaf Awareness Training Course FAQ's

What Is BSL (British Sign Language)?

‘British Sign Language (BSL) is the preferred language of over 87,000 Deaf people in the UK for whom English may be a second or third language (A total of 151,000 individuals in the UK who can use BSL - this figure does not include professional BSL users, Interpreters, Translators, etc unless they use BSL at home).’ For More information click here

Why choose a Signature Accredited Course?

Who is Signature?

Signature is a national charity and are also the leading awarding body for deaf communication qualifications in the UK.  They have been awarding British Sign Language (BSL) qualifications for the last 40 years and have supported more than 450,000 people to learn BSL.

What is a Signature accredited course?

A Signature accredited course is a course that is certified and authentic in entity.  Signature’s qualifications are nationally recognised and regulated by Ofqual (the office of the qualifications and Examination’s regulator). This means that these qualifications reliably indicate the knowledge, skills and understanding needed by learners and that they have demonstrated through the assessment process what has been achieved.  This gives potential learners the confidence in the qualifications undertaken. 

How does becoming a Signature approved centre work? 

To become a Signature approved centre and to deliver Signature qualifications, potential centres must undergo a strict, formal approval process.  Each potential centre teacher that applies, must be able to demonstrate to Signature that they hold relevant teaching qualifications, professional experience in the subject they wish to teach and the relevant BSL qualifications to a higher level than that which they wish to deliver. Other specialist higher level qualifications in teaching practice are also highly recommended and desirable.

Signature regulate their qualifications and this formal approval process maintains this ethos.

Approved Centre’s processes during assessments are regularly checked for Quality Assurance purposes, to ensure that centres are adhering to all Signature Assessment guidelines, and that no learners are treated less favourably than others during the process. This ultimately means that every learner’s experience is of the highest quality.

Who would benefit from Signature approved courses?

The learner is at the heart of all we do here at Study Sharpe.

All learners undertaking a Signature qualification with us will be guaranteeing they will not only receive teaching expertise that is endorsed by Signature, but they will also gain a qualification that will be recognised by employers and industries alike.

Last but by no means least and perhaps the most important reason for undertaking Signature qualifications with us, is that you will be able to join the growing number of people in the UK who can communicate with a deaf BSL user.   Through our courses, you will become more Deaf Aware in the process, understand more about the Deaf Community and their rich heritage and Culture, thereby raising awareness to other people and sharing the benefits to all of learning BSL. 

So why not start your exciting BSL journey with us today?

What Solutions Does Deaf Awareness Training Offer?

The solutions that Deaf Awareness training offers are:

  • Create an inclusive and accessible business which will protect your reputation and increase its value
  • Ensure that the business culture is one of diversity and inclusion
  • Protection against legal action and tribunals
  • Open opportunities to employee workers from a larger pool of talent
  • Protect your business reputation against negative reviews or comments in local/national press, online forums and on social media.

By Engaging in the Access to Work scheme for deaf employees you can reduce the costs of enabling an inclusive and accessible workplace.

What is the benefit of Deaf Awareness Training for Businesses?

Why should we worry about Deaf Awareness Training?

  • Are you a business without any Deaf Awareness?
  • Are you making false claims about the your compliance with regards Deaf Awareness Understanding and Training?
  • Are you at risk of complaints/legal action from Deaf People who are accessing your services but not feeling included or having difficulty using your business?

In the current marketplace social media plays a large part in how our businesses are perceived both, internally and externally, and offers instant feedback to our services or products.

You could be at risk of:

  • Failing to provide an accessible workplace to potential Deaf employees.
  • Hefty compensation costs
  • Employee tribunals
  • Negative reviews on Local/National news sites, public forums and through social media
  • Negative reputation

What costs are involved per person?

This will depend on the amount of content, the length of the course and your specific requirements. 

Call Today to discuss the course to suit your business.

What is the course content?

Our courses cover the following topics (this list is not exhaustive and may vary according to service need):

Deaf Awareness strategies including:

  • Deaf Attention gain (Appropriate ways of gaining the attention of a Deaf Person)
  • Experiences of Lipreader's (Experiences of people who use lipreading to understand and communicate effectively when mouths are obscured)
  • How to conduct accessible online meetings
  • Working appropriately with interpreters
  • Assistive technology & equipment
  • Access to work scheme for deaf employees

BSL signs & phrases:

  • BSL Alphabet and role of fingerspelling
  • How to introduce yourself and welcome customers
  • How to repair a breakdown in communication
  • How to end a conversation appropriately
  • Discussing travel/transport
  • Directing people inside a building and out and about
  • Discussing the weather
  • Discussing family
  • Numbers (expressing the difference between money, age & calendar)

Deaf Culture:

We will delve into the interesting and engaging world of Deaf Culture and Deaf Arts.

What are the maximum participants at one workshop/course?

Delivering face to face courses/workshops will depend on the delivery space/capacity you have available. If we are teaching more than the British Sign Language (BSL) phrases, then a smaller group will mean attendees will have a more personalised experience with the trainer and the content.

An ideal number for a workshop/taster would be 16 – 20 participants.

For our longer courses, the ideal maximum number would be 10 – 14.

For remote learning, if it is a presentation/taster/seminar, then there is no limit to the numbers who will attend.

If we are delivering a 2-hour online taster then we would ask for no more than 10 – 12 participants per session. 

What will you learn?

You will learn a variety of topics; both theoretical and practical. We cover Deaf Awareness strategies, Deaf etiquette, British Sign Language basics as well as the main differences between hearing culture and Deaf culture.

Who are the courses designed for?

Our courses are for everyone; whether it be individuals, families, SME’s or larger corporate businesses - we can cater for you.

How long do your courses have to be?

It depends on your individual needs/staff availability and the aim of the training.

Our courses can be short tasters, half day or full day workshops or 5-week intensive courses or full length 10-week courses that can be arranged on a rolling programme basis.

Our courses can also be bespoke in nature and tailored to your requirements.

Study Sharpe - Clients

AnnMarie Reynolds, Head of Publishing & Creative Director, begin a book Independent Publishers and Writing Services.
Bridie Collier - Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Campaigner
Devon & Cornwall Police
Leeds and Wakefield Breast Screening
Tracey Macdonald - Extra Care Team Manager
Missing Link
Liz Watkins - Social Worker with Deaf People and Single Point Access Team People and Communities
Roundabouts Pre-School
Emma Holden - Communicator Guide and Intervenor Registered Manager
Somerset Care
Dave Raby - Equipment Officer
Jane Hill
John-Paul Anderson – Vision Impairment Trainer & Coordinator
Includability Ambassador for 2022/23
Keeping Careers Real With Ali Podcast
Deaf Awareness Week 2022
Case Study
Deaf Awareness BSL Training for the Avon & Somerset Constabulary
Signature Accredited Deaf Awareness Training Courses For Businesses In the UK
Word Gets Around - Interview about Deaf Awareness Training

Find out how we are helping companies like yours with Deaf Awareness training.

Drop us a line

Grisleys Farm, Cole Pole Ln, Stogursey,
Bridgwater TA5 1PY
+44 7746 060 547

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